NY Comic Con 2012

NY Comic Con 2012

The elections are over and President Obama has won an historic second term. The Affordable Care Act—yes, Obamacare—is here to stay, even if some Republican lawmakers are still in denial. The Affordable Care Act is a huge, sprawling, encompassing piece of legislation...
A Sad Season

A Sad Season

The end of summer is always a bittersweet time. This year there’s overt sadness as well, as we’ve lost three talented men whom I (and the world) have long admired: Joe Kubert, Harry Harrison, and Neil Armstrong. I grew up on Kubert’s version of Tarzan and his war...
New Editor, Nice Plug

New Editor, Nice Plug

Recently, Publishers Weekly’s ace graphic novels reporter Calvin Reid did a column on the changing of the guard at Hill & Wang’s Novel Graphics Imprint. The founding publisher of the imprint, Thomas LeBien, has moved on and is now with Simon & Schuster, his...
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

Chief Justice Roberts did the right thing for America. It came as a pleasant surprise to supporters of the Affordable Care Act, who were gearing up for the incredible chaos that would have followed an unfavorable ruling, as portions of the bill have already been in...
San Diego: ComicCon, Part One

San Diego: ComicCon, Part One

Brooklyn-born Phil Seuling was the first independent national distributor of comic books. If not for Phil’s early work in the field, there would be no Diamond Comic Distributors today. Back in the 1970s, Phil hosted comic cons at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan....
The Story Behind the Title

The Story Behind the Title

Of all the books I’ve worked on, one I’m most proud of is Evolution: the Story of Life on Earth. When I worked for Byron Preiss Visual Publications, we tried for over a decade to sell a young-adult book on evolutionary science. But we were told it had...